A consortium of Manipal Health Enterprises (MHEPL) and PE firm TPG Asia have revised their offer for Fortis Healthcare, now proposing to infuse Rs2,100 crore into the company at a share price of Rs 160 per share. Manipal-TPG, competing against offers from three other bidders, have now also proposed to merge MHEPL into Fortis HealthcareNSE -1.04 % (FHL) and have valued the latter at Rs 8,358 crore for the same.
Earlier, the bidders had proposed a demerger of FHL’s hospital business, which it valued at Rs 6,322 crore as on April 24. The hospital business was to subsequently be merged with Manipal hospitals, which had been valued at Rs 6,070 crore.
Manipal-TPG on Sunday told Fortis that they will infuse the Rs 2,100 crore into FHL by way of preferential allotment. The proceeds will be used to repay existing loans, working capital purposes and partly to fund the acquisition of relevant Indian entities from RHT.
In order to oversee the use of these proceeds, Manipal-TPG have said they have the right to appoint “such number of non-executive directors pro rata to their shareholding after the preferential allotment (with a fractional number being rounded up to the nearest whole number) subject to the FHL Board comprising a minimum of 7 directors.”
This preferential allotment is subject to regulatory and shareholder approvals.
“It is clarified that the preferential allotment is being undertaken only to provide immediate liquidity to FHL by way of a minority investment in FHL. The preferential allotment and the ability to appoint directors as aforesaid, shall not vest control in the subscriber(s) and accordingly, no open offer is required to be made,” stated Manipal-TPG in their revised offer.
Manipal-TPG’s proposal to merge MHEPL into FHL values FHL at Rs 8,358 crore MHEPL at Rs6,070 crore.
“A value of Rs 8,358 crores for FHL shall translate into a per share value of Rs 160 per equity share (being the same price per equity share as offered for the preferential allotment),” the consortium stated. “Upon the merger becoming effective, the shareholders of MHEPL as on the record date (to be fixed for purposes of the merger) shall be issued equity shares in FHL in accordance with the swap ratio for the merger,” they added.
With a view to resolving FHL’s obligation to provide an exit to SRL PE investors, Manipal-TPG have also proposed to purchase their stake, subject to agreement with the PE investors.
As with their earlier offers, Manipal-TPG have proposed to purchase PE investors’ 30.93% stake in SRL, Fortis Healthcare’s (FHL) diagnostics arm, for Rs1,113.4 crore.
Post the acquisition of the PE SRL stake, the SRL board will be restructured “so as to ensure that no member of the promoter group of FHL is part of the SRL board,” Manipal-TPG have said. The consortium have said they shall have the ability to appoint a majority of the directors on the SRL board until the completion of their proposed merger of MHEPL and FHL.
“Post the consummation of the merger, the acquirers will have a right to appoint such number of directors on the SRL Board that is pro rata to their shareholding in SRL. All appropriate corporate approvals of SRL and FHL shall be obtained to give effect to the above,” Manipal-TPG told Fortis in their offer.
A two member expert advisory committee is expected to review Manipal-TPG’s revised offer along with binding offers submitted by IHH Healthcare Bhd, Radiant Life Care-KKR and Hero Enterprise Investment Office-Burman Family Office.
The Fortis board will meet on May 10 to take a call on these offers based on the committee’s recommendations, which are not binding on the board.
Source: Economic Times