M&A trends podcast series
Briefings on hot topics in mergers and acquisitions
Is there any part of the business world that moves faster than mergers and acquisitions (M&A)? It’s hard to imagine–and that’s what makes it so exciting. The M&A Views podcast series is a chance to hear Deloitte’s experienced M&A leaders answer questions on the latest mergers and acquisitions trends, from culture to technology and beyond. Listen in on conversations about topics likely to directly impact your work today.
Managing culture in M&A deals (part one)
Sarah Hindley and Kevin Knowles
Can you use culture to make your M&A transactions succeed at a higher rate? Yes – and in part one of our inaugural podcast, we’ll talk about some specific ways M&A leaders are using culture to their advantage.
A merger or an acquisition or any other large transformation is a unique opportunity. It’s an opportunity for leaders to take a step back and assess what kind of culture they need, and what kind of culture differentiates them as an organization.
Managing culture in M&A deals (part two)
Sarah Hindley and Kevin Knowles
Culture is a critical–and often overlooked–factor in mergers and acquisitions. Cultural issues can derail carefully planned transactions. But when managed well, they can help ensure success. How can M&A leaders successfully manage the culture factor and use it to their advantage? In part two of our podcast on the role of culture in M&A, we’ll take a closer look at some real-life examples.
Those who have done culture work up front and early on have really given themselves an advantage.