Chinese auto supplier Ningbo Joyson mulls investment in Takata

Industry:    2016-06-03

Michigan-based airbag maker Key Safety Systems and its new Chinese parent Ningbo Joyson Electronic Corp are discussing a potential investment in Takata Corp with Lazard, Takata’s investment bank, Key Chief Executive Jason Luo said on Thursday.

News of Key’s and Ningbo Joyson’s interest in Takata follows a $920 million deal closed on Thursday in which Ningbo Joyson bought Key Safety Systems, Ningbo Joyson’s first foray into airbags and seatbelts, important sectors for Takata.

“We haven’t considered an acquisition of Takata yet. We’re concerned about the company,” Ningbo Joyson spokesman Chen Yang told Reuters.

“We don’t say it’s possible, also we don’t say it’s impossible, depends on the situation with Takata.”
