The RBI asked Kotak to lower his holding in the bank to 30 percent by end-June, 20 per cent by end-December next year, and to 15 per cent by March 31, 2020. On Monday, Kotak sold 18 million shares in the lender for Rs 1,687 crore, lowering his ownership of the bank to 29.79 percent, according to a regulatory filing.
In March, Kotak sold an about 1.5 percent stake in the bank to Canada’s two largest pension funds — CPPIB and CDPQ.
Ahead of the deal on Monday, Kotak owned 30.74 percent of the lender. Shares in Kotak Mahindra Bank, which has the third-highest market capitalisation among India’s banks, closed 0.4 per cent higher at Rs 941.25 on Monday.
Source: Business-Standard