Delhi-based on-demand wellness and beauty services company Vanity Cube Pvt Ltd. said on Friday that it had raised $300,000 in an early stage round from Unicorn Ventures, friends and family. The company that was founded in 2014 by Renu Bisht and Pragya Upadhyay is looking to use the funds for developing technology, expanding to four new cities and on brand building initiatives. Currently, it services users in Mumbai and Delhi. “The company is generating cash per transaction without burning money. The margins the company operates on are healthy and the founders being women know the exact pain points in the market and are creating solutions. In addition to this, in the services segment we thought the beauty and wellness is the vertical that should be invested in “ says Anil Joshi, managing partner with Unicorn Ventures.
Source: MintVanity Cube raises $300,000 from Unicorn Ventures, others
Industry: General 2016-03-07